The Principal Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Energy, Meteorology and Water Affairs Mr. Emmanuel Lesoma, officiated the handing over of six 4×4 Twin Cab vehicles to Water and Sewerage Company (WASCO), who has been earmarked as an operator for Metolong Dam system. The vehicles are to be used for operations and maintenance of a pipeline from the Metolong dam to the operating centres and the Treatment Works.
It is in this occasion that the PS elaborated the history of Metolong Dam project which he stated that, it started a way back in 1994 when it was realized that the Maqalika dam which was built in 1983 to meet the water demands for Maseru city up to 1995 has almost reached its life span. The reservoir is no longer meeting the demand as the storage is gradually decreasing as sediment carried by the natural run-off accumulates in the reservoir.
Therefore, the project is meant to augment water supply for domestic and industrial use to Maseru and its neighboring towns of Roma, Morija and Teyateyaneng to meet the growing demand. The Metolong Dam will also boost the country’s business and thanks to the financiers namely; the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a consortium of Arab donors, the World Bank, the South African government and the government of Lesotho for making the building of this landmark dam a success, the project to be handed over to WASCO in a few months to come.
The delighted WASCO Chief Executive Mr. Mathealira Lerotholi, commended all those who worked tirelessly in the implementation of the project and pointed out that, Maseru and adjoining areas which had historically known to have suffered water shortages will now enjoy adequate supply of potable water. He further stated that the vehicles are an important asset for WASCO in the execution of its mandate and assured that they will be used for an intended purpose.
The occasion was witnessed among others by the Deputy Principal Secretary Mr. Rethabile Mosisili, the Commissioner of Water (COW) Mr. Mokake Mojakisane and other officials in the Ministry of Energy, Meteorology and Water Affairs and WASCO.