Tlhokomeliso ho sechaba ka melaetsa e ngotsoeng leqepheng la marangrang la boiqapelo la facebook
Friday, 26 July 2019
K’hamphani ea Metsi le Likhoerekhoere (WASCO) e hlokomelisa sechaba ka melaetsa e ngotsoeng leqepheng la marangrang la boiqapelo la facebook ka letsóao la eona empa e se leqephe la K’’hamphani ena. Leqephe lena le tlaleha mafosisa ka litaba tseo e seng tsa WASCO. O mong oa melaetsa o baleha tjena. May 26 at 7:20 AM
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LEWA Announces WASCO Tariff and charges for 2019/20
Friday, 26 July 2019
Water charges have been increased by 3% as opposed to the 8.5% WASCO has applied for while sewerage services remain the same. This was said by Mr. Relebohile Mosito Board Chairman of Lesotho Electricity and Water Authority (LEWA) at a press conference held on July 19, 2019. He further stated that the Board has approved
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Pre-bid Meeting and Site visit of GMWSP for EIA–RAP
Friday, 19 July 2019
WASCO held a pre-bid meeting with companies that showed interest in undertaking the Environmental Impact Assessment and Representative for Affected Property (EIA-RAP) studies for Greater Maseru Water Supply Project (GMWSP) which seeks to extend the water supply network service to the designated urban areas of Maseru. The meeting was followed by a tour of the
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Notice For Extension Of Bid Submission Date
Wednesday, 10 July 2019
Development of the Greater Maseru Environmental Impact Assessment and related Studies and Resettlement Action Plan This notice is in continuation to our Tender notice call Reference: RFP-Greater Maseru-ESIA and RAP, Dated- 28th June 2019 which was published on 28th June 2019 “Development of the Greater Maseru Environmental Impact Assessment and related Studies and Resettlement Action
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