Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
WASCO joined the international move towards good corporate citizenship and social responsibility, a relatively new phenomenon affecting business across the world today. Our embracing of corporate social responsibility came about not as a result of international pressure towards good corporate citizenship, but was born out of our deep rooted belief that caring about the communities we serve and the environmental in which we operate is essential and critical to our success as an organization. We belief that it is only by giving back to the communities we serve and by taking care of the environment that we, and our country, will grow and prosper.
CSR Statement
The Company is committed to carrying on its business and affairs in a socially responsible, sustainable and meaningful way, taking into account ethics, the environment and society at large.
WASCO regards CSR as contributing to non-profit making organizations and community projects that are aimed at improving the community and individual livelihoods.
Areas of Support
All corporate social responsibility activities are guided by the WASCO CSR Policy.
WASCO shall only consider requests from local groups and individuals for sustainable projects aimed at uplifting the overall social and economic sectors of the country. In particular, support will be considered for the following broad categories:
I. Education
WASCO is committed to contributing to and rewarding good academic and vocational performance in Lesotho. Therefore, contributing to a powerful future workforce in the industry in which WASCO operates and in the country as a whole.
II. Social
WASCO strive to be a good corporate citizen in Lesotho recognizing its responsibility to work in partnership with the communities in the operating areas. In an effort to fulfill this WASCO shall sponsor;
• Registered Non-profit making Organizations that offer their knowledge for the benefit of the communities (Charity Organizations that take care of the: vulnerable, Orphans and persons with disabilities).
• Groups and individuals brought to WASCO by the community structures as vulnerable
Donations to Mejametalana Students
Tree Planting at Ratjomose
III. Environment
WASCO is committed to a programme of management, continuous improvement and reporting of direct and indirect environment impacts, which marks our contribution to improving the communities we serve. As a CSR initiative WASCO shall among others offer support to communities’ initiatives on environmental conservation and rehabilitation programmes and Shall engage in environmental outreach initiatives.
Other Areas
• Support shall be offered in areas adversely affected by natural disasters depending on affordability.
• Sporting activities
What the Company will not support
WASCO will not support or contribute to any cause, activity, project or event that relate to political or religious groups, or causes that go against its corporate values.
Sponsorship application procedure:
• Applications for donations shall be addressed to the Chief Executive in writing.
• Approved applications shall be conveyed to the applicants in writing through the office of the Chief Executive.
• Regrets shall be conveyed to the applicants in writing through the office of the Chief Executive.