Water and Sewerage Company (WASCO) held wellness activities for the Southern (Mohale’s hoek) and Northen (Leribe) operation centres on Friday 19th and 23rd August respectively. The objective of this activity is to uplift the spirit of WASCO employees.
In his address to employees, the Chief Executive (CE) Mr. Falla Seboko assured them that they are the most integral part of the company, and their well – being is of utmost importance for Company survival. He stated that recruitment of the Executive Management has been completed and the new executive is to commence their duty beginning of September 2024.
The CE highlighted the issue of the establishment of Bulk Water Authority and the Water and Sanitation Bill that the Government of Lesotho is working on. He said if these contemplated developments are implemented WASCO will also take a new shift.
Health and Safety Officer Mr. Kopano Molefi tabled before the session, the Health and Safety Rules and Regulations. He laid emphasis on adhering to the company policies and ensured staffers that WASCO will do its best to ensure their wellness. Mr Kopano highlighted procedures for safety at workplaces and advised employees of their rights.
Motivating the employees, the sociologist Mrs. Bolaoane Mpakanyane emphasised the importance of behavioural change at workplaces. She said a well-behaved employee raises the flag of the company high and creates a warm working environment.
The last wellness activity will be held for the central workforce in Maseru on Friday the 30th August 2024.